加密货币盗窃软件提供商Inferno Drainer已关闭其运营。据开发者称,今年价值 8000 万美元的加密资产被Inferno Drainer盗走。
根据声明,运行该恶意软件所需的所有文件、服务器和基础设施都不会被破坏,并将保持活动状态。 Inferno Drainer 团队已删除其Telegram帐户“mr_inferno_drainer”,并警告其“客户”不要信任可能使用类似名称的其他服务。
“这是一段漫长的旅程。但不幸的是,没有什么是永恒的。非常感谢所有与我们一起工作的人。我们希望您能记住我们是有史以来创建网络钓鱼网站的最佳系统。”Inferno Drainer 在Telegram的声明中写道。
The end of the craziest journey.
Inferno drainer is shutting down. It has been a long ride with all of you and we'd like to thank you from heart.
Unfortunately, nothing lasts forever.
After +80 millions of $ drained, we decided to shut down, it's time for us to move on.
All files, servers and devices related to inferno drainer will not be destroyed.
We're gonna leave the servers running so all of you to be able to make a smooth transition to the new service you're going to choose.
Feel free to split the not auto-splited assets.The telegram account @mr_inferno_drainer will be deleted instantly. All other people that are going to claim that are us, is only one more effort to scam you.
Do NOT trust anyone.
Inferno is closed for good and won't return again.A big thank to everyone who has worked with us such as Drakan and every other customers, we hope you can remember us as the best drainer that has ever existed and that we succeeded in helping you in the quest of making money.
Inferno Drainer在今年早些时候开始流行,并在Monkey Drainer服务关闭后开始被攻击者广泛使用。与其前身一样, Inferno Drainer提供了用于清空加密货币钱包的软件,并收取被盗资金 20% 的佣金。
根据分析平台 Web3 Scam Sniffer 的数据,自 2023 年 2 月以来,已有超过100,000 名受害者使用 Inferno Drainer 被盗近 7000 万美元。不过,根据 Inferno Drainer 团队本身的计算,被盗的加密资产估计超过 8000 万美元。
区块链安全公司 CertiK 表示,Inferno Drainer 是“我们见过的对社区最具破坏性的网络钓鱼工具包之一”。
它补充说,仍然有“大量的提供商”在活跃,包括竞争对手 Pink Drainer 和 Angel Drainer,后者于 11 月 25 日发布了更新,以帮助用户在更多区块链上耗尽钱包。
Monkey Drainer 是另一家备受瞩目的加密货币流失工具,曾窃取数百万美元资金,于 3 月份关闭,并表示“是时候转向更好的事情了”。